High Schools.
Korfball is unique: a Mixxed gender sport designed by a PE teacher to get the whole class enjoying physical exercise. Mixx exists to share that with Secondary Schools and show why Korfball is the ideal forum to teach numerous different physical education modules. That's why Mixx exists: to help make Korfball a perfect Secondary School physical education tool!
Our Mixx team works in Secondary Schools to deliver expertise that will support your physical education department and is aligned with School Sport Canterbury to organise our ever-growing Mixx Summer League (Fridays) & Mixx SISS.
Are more of your junior students asking about playing Korfball at school?
See below what we do to support you & contact us ASAP for more!
How it works:
#1. HS Education Programme
#2A. Mixx
Secondary League
#2B. Mixx
Junior / Senior SISS
Our support for Secondary School physical education takes various forms. Some schools book us for their first Korfball experience, others to enhance their Korfball expertise as the sport takes a bigger role in the school curriculum.
Contact us to tell us what you need and how Korfball is operating in your physical education programme.
We will send a Mixx Activator to school, with all necessary equipment, to lead classes or support your teachers.
Held annually, the Mixx Junior and Senior SISS determines the South Island's best Korfball Schol=ol.
We've experienced growing number of teams, players, coaches and referees each year.
We've experienced a growing amount of teams, players, coaches and referees involved each year.
Junior SISS: @Nga Puna Wai Sports Hub, Wigram
Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 November
Senior SISS: @Nga Puna Wai Sports Hub, Wigram
Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 March
Since 2017 the Mixx Summer League has quadrupled in size, putting Korfball on the map in Canterbury and around the top ten for school sport.
We are committed to a well organised competition that asks the minimum from Schools. We do the mahi, so you your students can enjoy!
Term: Term 1 & Term 4.
When: Friday afternoons, from 4.00pm to 8.00pm
Where: @Nga Puna Wai Sports Hub, Wigram
To register your school, submit your contact details below.

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